Transitional Justice

Transitional justice in Sudan represents an important part of the country’s efforts to recover from ongoing conflicts and serious human rights violations. After the overthrow of the Bashir regime in 2019, Sudan began seeking ways to rebuild trust among communities and address the impacts of the past.

Judieh use of Traditional Tools in Transitional Justice:

  1. Local Reconciliation: Some communities rely on traditional reconciliation mechanisms, such as tribal councils or local reconciliation committees. These mechanisms play a crucial role in fostering understanding and forgiveness among conflicting communities.
  2. Mediation: Local mediators or tribal leaders are often used to negotiate and resolve disputes, helping to reduce tensions and achieve peace.
  3. Community Compensation: Local communities provide compensation to victims through material support or job opportunities, which aids in their recovery.
  4. Documentation and Testimonies: Local organizations contribute to gathering testimonies about violations, helping document history and educate future generations.
  5. Education and Awareness: Efforts include raising awareness about human rights and the importance of transitional justice, fostering a culture of sustainable peace.
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